Rabu, 31 Mei 2017

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris

Conditional Sentence Type II
Complete the conditional sentence type II.
·         If he (try) ______ harder, he (reach) ______ his goals.
If he tried harder, he would reach his goals.
·         I (buy) _____ these shoes if they (fit) _____
I would buy these shoes if they fitted.
·         It (surprise/not) _____ me if he (know/not) _____ the answer.
It wouldn’t surprise me if he didn’t know the answer.
Conditional Sentence Type III
Complete the conditional sentence type III.
·         If we _____ (listen) to the radio, we (hear) ______ the news.
If we had listened to the radio, we would have heard the news.
·         If you (switch) ______ on the lights, you (fall/not) ______ the answer.
If you hada switched on the lights, you would have fallen’t over the chair.
·         She (come) _____ to our party if she (be/not) ____ on holiday.
She would have come to our party if she had not been on holiday.

1.         If we meet at 9.30, we _____ (to have) plenty of time.
If we meet at 9.30, we will have plenty of time.
2.      Lisa would find the milk if she ____ (to look) in the fridge.
Lisa would find the milk if she looked in the fridge.
3.      The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she ___ (to feed) the animals.
The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she had fed the animals.
4.      If you spoke louder, your classmates _____ (to understand) you.
If you spoke louder, your classmates would understand you.
5.      Dan ____ (to arrive) safe if he drove slowly.
Dan would arrive safe if he drove slowly.
6.      You _____ (to have) no trouble at school if you had done your homework.
You would have had no trouble at school if you had done your homework.
7.      If you ____ (to swim) in this lake, you’ll shiver from cold.
If you swim in this lake, you’ll shiver from cold.
8.      The door will unlock if you ____ (to press) the green button.
The door will unlock if you press the green button.

9.      If Mel ___ (to ask) her teacher, he’d have answered her questions.
If Mel had asked her teacher, he’d have answered her questions.
10.  I _____ (to call) the office if I was/were you.
I would call the office if I were you.
Give Back Our Nature
My Green and Beautiful hometown
It was places for resting my mind
But now gusts of wind that shook the trees
Replaced by the smoke tightness

Oh my natural picturesque
Do not you angry!
They are just people who are greedy with treasury
That could not feel our misery

Oh my green forest,
Wake up back from your long sleep
Stretch back your shady roof
Smell back the bright morning sun

Give back your flowers and fruit which are chap
Eliminate the smoke that inhabit air
Hopefully my nature remains conserved
Nature that we will always be await

Beautiful Day on Pangandaran Beach
            Last holiday, I and family went to Pangandaran beach. We arrived at 7 o’clock in the morning. It was a perfect time to enjoy the beach. The scenery was so wonderful and I felt that the sun kissed me though its bright light. I felt blessed because I could enjoy one of God’s masterpieces. My parents sat together under their umbrella. My younger brothers played sand. My older sister took her self picture and I enjoyed the wind blowing.

            My mother had prepared a bucket of foods and some drinks for us. She had arranged to have a picnic time at the beach. She brought many bread toast with beef and cheese on it, some fruit salads, and orange juice. Those were so fresh and perfect companion for the perfect moment we had. After having picnic, my father challenged us to fly with paragliding. That was an amazing offer for me. But, my sister seemed afraid of it. Then, we accepted the chalange. I was so excited, and so were my brothers. My mother and my sister just watched us.

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